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How To Be Successful In Every Area Of Your Life

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In just a few simple steps, learn how to be successful in every area of your life.

This online training course, how to be successful in every area of your life, will show you how to increase wealth, improve health, enjoy happiness and achieve success in every area of your life.

How To Be Successful In Every Area Of Your Life – Course Description

Learn how to be successful and experience success in every area of your life.

Many of us experience some degree of success in our lives, but struggle to achieve success in all areas of our lives.  For example, some people consider their professional lives to be a great success, yet their personal lives not so successful.  This can also be true for many people that consider their personal lives to be very successful and yet, financially, they may have struggles.  While many people do experience success in one or more areas of their lives, the majority of us are yet to experience and enjoy success in all areas of our lives.

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We firmly believe that success can be achieved in every area of your life.  Success in love does not come at the cost of financial security, as financial success doesn’t mean you have to be unlucky in love!

We are rarely directed towards reaching our true potential, or encouraged to explore ways in which we can realise our true potential.  There are various reasons why many people never experience success, but one of the biggest reasons for this can be attributed to a set of values we adopt over time.  These values also known as self-limiting beliefs, are beliefs that we have about ourselves.  We accept these beliefs without question, starting as early as childhood and often without any realisation.

These values or rules we have about ourselves, influence our behaviours and attitudes.  They are called self- limiting beliefs, because they’re responsible for low self esteem, confidence and self doubt.  It is these self- limiting beliefs that prevent a person from ever experiencing the joys afforded by success or from ever reaching their true potential.

How to be successful in every area of your life, will show you how to identify, challenge and overcome your self-limiting beliefs.  This will pave the way for you to finally experience and enjoy a life of unlimited success. That is, unlimited success in every area of your life.

How to be successful in every area of your life will teach you how to reach your true potential, realise your worth and experience unlimited success.  Learn how to have everything you’ve ever wanted, including, health, wealth and happiness.

Included in this how to be successful online course, are many resources and tools so you can chart your progress.  You’ll understand what success means to you, be able to identify your goals and track your progress, and experience success in every aspect of the word.  Learn how to feel happier, how to feel healthier, and how to manage your time effectively, making you more productive than you could ever have imagined.

As the creator of how to be successful in every area of your life, I offer full support to all of my students, 7 days a week, so you’ve always got someone on your side, cheering you on and keeping you motivated!

Course Requirements and What You Can Expect From It

The only requirements for taking this how to be successful in every area of your life, is the desire for success (whatever success means for you!), and a little effort.  In return, you’ll experience all the success you have ever dreamed of!

Included with this how to be successful in every area of your life, is full support from the course creator, 7 days a week, lots of tools and resources, over 3hrs of content and 41 lectures.

This how to be successful course image for online training course how to be successful in every area of your life

This course, how to be successful in every area of your life, will show you how to:

Set personal goals (success) and visually chart and measure your progress to fruition

Gain financial wealth

Excel in the workplace, boardroom, and business arena

Experience meaningful, lasting personal relationships

Recognise and chart success in every area of your life

Experience increased health levels and happiness levels

Be able to achieve much more with better time management

Enjoy academic success

Understand how success and what being successful really means to you

Discover the reasons why being successful in every area of your life has eluded you thus far

Implement best practices and techniques to eliminate identified obstacles

Eliminate self-limiting beliefs, paving the way forward to reach your true potential in life and enjoying unlimited success

How to be Successful in every area of your life – Course Content

Lecture 1. Who Is This Course Intended For?

This lecture will give you an idea of how this course can be used in order to achieve success in every area of your life.

Lecture 2. Meet Your Instructor

I am the creator of how to be successful in every area of your life.  In this lecture I share some of my experiences, give details about my qualifications and more about the course.

Section 2. Exploring Success – Lecture 3. What is Success?

Gain an understanding of what it means to be a success, and how people identify, or measure, what being successful is!

Lecture 4. The Path To Success

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Attaining success is a process and the path to success is part of the process.  Part of this process includes a number of factors, for example, specific concise and clear goals, then consider how much motivation is attached to realising these goals.

Section 3. Measuring Success – Lecture 5. How Do We Measure Success?

Many people would answer this question by saying “Wealth or financial gain”, however, the truth is that we can measure success in a number of ways.

Lecture 6. Internal And External Measures of Success

Here we look at the internal measures of success and the external measures of success.  Internal measures of success tend to be more specific, personal and important, for example, a goal to lose an amount of weight.  External measures of success tend to reflect what society deems to value.

Section 4. Success and You – Lecture 7. What Does Success Mean To You?

Learn why this is such an important question to ask yourself.  There is also a downloadable, which will help you to fully explore and carefully consider what success means to you!

Lecture 8. Your Interpretation Of Success

This is a great exercise and is super fun to do.  It requires lots of imagination, so think big.

Lecture 9. Would You Recognise Your Own Success?

You could very well already be successful and possibly are just not aware of it.  Learn how to identify your successes and fully appreciate them now.  Also learn how to recognise when you have reached your goals.

Lecture 10. Why Do People Want To Be Successful?

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Learn what drives and motivates people to want to attain success.  We also look into the concept of self awareness and self worth and how our environment impacts on their origins.

Lecture 11. What Keeps Us From Being Successful?

There are three categories of factors that are responsible for preventing us from attaining unlimited success.

Section 5. Inspiration! – Lecture 12. Quotes on Success

Some amazing quotes to inspire and remind us that whatever we want is achievable!

Lecture 13. The Story of Hugh Herr

A very inspiring man with an inspirational story to tell.  We are taught how to overcome obstacles and how to find other paths that will lead to success.

Lecture 14. 11 Things That Successful People Have In Common

See if you share some of the things that successful people have in common with each other.

Section 6. Influencing Success – Lecture 15. Our Influence On Success

Discover ways in which you are able to influence your own success.

Lecture 16. Are You Afraid Of Success?

Being afraid of success has prevented many people from ever experiencing unlimited success in their lives.  This lecture will help you identify if fear of success is preventing you from being successful.

Section 7. Self-Limiting Beliefs – Lecture 17. Self Limiting Beliefs

Our values or beliefs are often adopted by us without even realising it, they are responsible for self doubt, low self esteem and poor confidence.  This is why they are called self-limiting beliefs.  It is these beliefs that have a major role in preventing us from ever achieving our true potential.

Lecture 18. How Can We Get Over Self-Limiting Beliefs?

Investigating our reality of our beliefs and questioning the source that supports them is extremely liberating.  Learn how to eliminate negative feelings associated with failure.

Section 8. Habits and Factors of Successful People – Lecture 19. Habits Of Successful People

Successful people share many habits and behaviours, here we look at 10 of the most common.  You’ll learn things like how they solve practical problems, how they are committed to lifelong learning as well as how they view constructive criticism.

Lecture 20. Common Factors in Successful People

Many successful people share certain personality traits, for example adaptability, bravery and impatience.  Learn about your own traits and qualities and how you can develop them further, making you the best that you can be

Section 9. Successful Relationships – Lecture 21. Success In Relationships

This is an area of our lives that can often be overlooked when we are striving for success.  But there are many reasons we should consider investing in the relationships that are important to us.  The key relationships that exist in our lives are a huge part of our lives, so it is important that when we think of success, we also apply success to these key relationships.

Lecture 22. Successful Relationships With Our Partners

As a global nation, we spend billions of dollars in the search for a life partner, kindred spirit, soul mate, that special person we wish to share all that is meaningful, important, special to us.  Learn how to experience the most joy, rewards and contentment from this special bond.

Lecture 23. Successful Relationships With Our Families

As with all relationships, they all come with there own challenges and family relationships are no different.  This lecture is concerned with getting the balance right, between family members we are close with and those that we prefer to keep some distance with.  As our families can be a great source of support, learn how to successfully maintain relations with all your family members.

Lecture 24. Successful Relationships With Our Friends

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Our closest friendships are our chosen family, but like any relationship they will require nourishing from time to time.  It is very important that we treat and are treated as equals.  We should never take or be taken advantage of.  Relationships like this can easily exist if we are friends with people for the wrong reason.

Lecture 25. Successful Relationships With Our Colleagues

Working relationships require attention.  We do not choose relationships with the people we work with, but yet we spend a lot of time with them.  Because of this, many people working so close will often fall out or just never get along.  Learn how to have successful relationships with your work colleagues, bringing harmony and making you more productive.

Lecture 26. 10 Things That Successful People Never Do

Learn what successful people never do!

Section 10. Success in The Business World – Lecture 27. Success in Business

Gaining an understanding of success in business will afford you many skills that you can transfer to other areas of your life.  These are the skills that give successful people the edge over their competitors.

Lecture 28 Tools for Setting Up in Business  Tools For Setting Up In Business, Target Market Worksheet, SWOT, Startup Business Questionnaire, Start-Up Capital Calculator, Sources and Uses of Funds, Projected Income Statement, Profit and Loss Projection Worksheet, Personal Financial Statement, Marketing Plan, Cost Analysis and Unit Selling Price, Competitor Assessment Worksheet, Business Plan, Business Plan Checklist, Business Name Worksheet, Break Even Analysis, Annual Expense Report & A note of passwords

As you can see, all the resources you need in order to start up your own business are available as downloadable templates.  I hope this lecture affords you great success!

Lecture 29. Determine Your Entrepreneurial Mindset

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Do you have an entrepreneurial mindset?  Want to find out?  Here is a checklist to help you decide!

Lecture 30. 10 Dont’s Of Successful People

A list of 10 DONT’S that successful people have in common or share.

Section 11. Financial and Academic Success – Lecture 31. Financial Success Weekly Expenses, To Do List, Tax Deductions, Monthly Budget, Monthly Budget 2, Financial Goal Planner, Debt Worksheet, Bill Payment Log, Annual Budget & Bank Account

Financial success is an area of life that everybody can relate to and is the main driving force for many successful people.  Learn how to maximise your financial potential as well as different ways in which to effectively manage your finances now and in the future.

Lecture 32. Academic Success Weekly Planner, Topics To Study, Task List, Study – Month at a Glance, Semester Planner, Meal Planner, Grade Tracker, Essay plan, Daily Schedule, Book Notes & Assignment Planner.

For some successful people this is an area that helps define everything about themselves (who, what and where they are)!

Lecture 33. Seven Routines / Beliefs Shared By Successful People

Gain an understanding of some beliefs that many successful people have in common.

Section 12. Health and Happiness – Lecture 34. Success With Regards To Your Health  My workout schedule, Doctor and Dentist Appointment & Daily Food Journal

Your health or more importantly, success in this area of your life is definitely a priority for many successful people.  Being of good health is crucial for performing at our best and for planning a bright future.

Lecture 35. Good Mental Health

The state of our mental health impacts directly with our mood, our physiology and motivation levels.  This means we should make time for ourselves in order that we wind down and process everything that is going on for us.

Lecture 36. Success With Regards To Happiness

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Are you successful at experiencing feeling happy?

An important question, as this affects all areas of our lives.  Feeling happy raises our energy levels, increases confidence and enthusiasm.

Lecture 37. BONUS LECTURE – Mindfulness for Happiness! Mindfulness-Breathing-Meditation-Diary & Mindfulness-Breathing-Meditation.mp3

I have added this bonus lecture, taken from my mindfulness training course.  I believe that Mindfulness can help us experience a deeper level of joy in life so have included a mindfulness breathing meditation.  Accompanying the meditation (audio mp3) is a video about the meditation and how to record details of your experience, there is also a downloadable pdf.  Please do try mindfulness as a way to experience a deeper awareness of feeling happy – you won’t be disappointed!

Section 13. Toolkit for Success – Lecture 38. 10 Lists To Success

This list is invaluable and essential to guaranteeing success.

Lecture 39. How To Chart Your Progress?  Chart your progress, Goals for 2016, Wheel of Life and SMART Goal Setting

This how to be successful course image for online training course how to be successful in every area of your life

Learn a number of ways to measure and chart your progress in realising self actualisation.  Being able to recognise your success and know when you have reached your personal targets is integral to enjoying success.

Lecture 40. A Final 10 Tips To Become Successful

Another great list to ensure you’re successful in every area of your life.

Section 14. Conclusion – Lecture 41. Conclusion

This is the final lecture, the course conclusion.  I hope you have enjoyed taking the course and I wish you much success in every area of your life!


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Exciting and unpredictable! I absolutely loved the cartoon instructor taking the class, I have never seen that before, brilliant! I didn’t know what was coming next, a presentation, video, slideshow, thoroughly engaging


Excellent teaching methodology 🙂  Kept me engaged and completed the course in one hit!!! Superb 🙂

Incredibly interesting  Wow, so incredibly interesting. I had many questions answered for me, great course.

Really gets you thinking like a successful person  Definitely gonna implement the tips and techniques

Interesting on so many levels!  Asking yourself if you consider yourself to be successful is a pretty scary question but it does get you to thinking!!! I admit that my first answer was a resounding NO but on reflection there are a fair few areas of my life that I am truly successful in but never give myself credit for. So I thank this course for helping me realise that and for showing me ways in which I can improve those areas in my life that I want to be more successful in. I have been really touched by it thank you!

First class course  Thanks  You took the time to explain things in depth and I really like your English accent LOL.  Heaps and heaps of useful knowledge shared in an interesting way 🙂

Real life pragmatic suggestions that are authentic and realistic

GREAT LECTURES ON SELF LIMITING BELIEFS  For me personally this is one of my biggest downfalls and it defintely keeps me from being all that I want and know I can be. Brilliant course thank you.

Great Opportunity to revaluate your life!  A great course to kick the year off with. I intend to make 2016 the year of complete and utter success “Woo Hoo”!

A Sterling Success! Excuse the pun!!!  Great resources with a lot of detail.

Informative with some really good ideas

Superb 🙂 Another great course,  Appropriate downloads and tools accompany the learning objectives. Frankly there isnt anything left uncovered. Regardless of what youd like to exceed in therell be something in here to get you going 🙂

Really Interesting!  The course was presented in an easy manner and very comprehensive. I will recommend it without reservation.

GREAT PRACTICAL APPROACHES  Easy to implement and it was great that every area of one’s life can be improved and it isn’t just focused on one part like financial or love.

An Eye-opener  I got this course as a gift, but I would have gladly paid full price. It gave me a very practical perspective on achieving personal success and does tell you the “how” of achieving success. If you’re looking for a quick fix or an easy way out though, you may not like the answer you get. If you really want a solid perspective on how to approach and think about success this is the course for you.

Looking forward to using some of the principles !!!!   I am looking forward to making some more money this year as I’m sure half the country is! I thought your ideas were well thought out and had a good basis so I am going to go great guns in using them! I promise I will keep in touch and let you know how I’m doing over the next few months ££££ !!!!

Some excellent advice and practical help  I have always wanted to start my own busines and I will definitely take some things from this course that will be able to stand me in good sted!

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