The Science of Happiness0 Comments/20th January 2017This course is fully accredited by a globally recognized CPD…
R.E.B.T-The Modern Effective therapy System0 Comments/31st October 2016Fully Accredited R.E.B.T Diploma -The Modern Effective therapy…
Start Your Own Life Coaching Business0 Comments/30th July 2016What life coaching looks like is not something that is set in…
CBT for Depression, Anxiety, Phobias and Panic Attacks0 Comments/1st July 2016Do you suffer from depression, anxiety, phobias or panic attacks?…
Art And Colouring For Adults0 Comments/17th June 2016This art and colouring in for adults course is the perfect mix…
Improve Your Memory with Brain Science0 Comments/17th June 2016Are you forgetful? Do people refer to you as being “absent…
Dyslexia Therapy Course0 Comments/21st May 2016Welcome to this course on dyslexia therapy. We’re sure that…
Mindfulness Training Course14th May 2016vHere at the training academy of Renaissance Life Therapies,…
CBT Therapy Training Course14th May 2016This CBT therapy training course is brought to you by the online Training…
Online Life Coaching Course14th May 2016Welcome to our online life coaching course, offering exclusive…
Art Therapy Course2 Comments/14th May 2016ART THERAPY FOR EVERYONE Art Therapy Course – From The Training…
How To Be Successful in Every Area of Your Life0 Comments/14th May 2016In just a few simple steps, learn how to be successful in every…
Kick Negative Habits, Compulsive Behaviours and OCD Forever14th May 2016This course is intended for anyone who would like to free themselves…
Body Language Course14th May 2016This body language course will take you on a very personal journey.…
Create Your Dream Job Course14th May 2016Are you happy with what you do for a living? If the answer is…